Fćrsluflokkur: Bloggar
Spanish HIV vaccine shows 90 percent immune response in humans
28.9.2011 | 14:10
Phase I clinical trials developed by Spanish Superior Scientific Research Council (CSIC) together with Gregorio Maranon Hospital in Madrid and Clínic Hospital in Barcelona, reveals MVA-B preventive vaccine's immune efficiency against Human's immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 90% of the volunteers who went through the tests developed an immunological response against the virus and 85% has kept this response for at least one year. Safety and efficiency of this treatment have been described in articles for Vaccine and Journal of Virology science magazines.
According to CSIC's researcher: "If this genetic cocktail passes Phase II and Phase III future clinic trials, and makes it into production, in the future HIV could be compared to herpes virus nowadays". Virus would not cause a disease anymore and would become a minor chronic infection, which would only show its effects in a low defence scenario, with a much lower contagious profile.
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IMAX Cosmic Voyage video
20.9.2011 | 15:32
A short 38 minute documentary narrated by Morgan Freeman and shot in amazing IMAX film. You should watch this on youtube in 720p quality and fullscreen, anything less would be crazy :)
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NASA Announces Design for New Deep Space Exploration System
14.9.2011 | 18:41
NASA is ready to move forward with the development of the Space Launch System -- an advanced heavy-lift launch vehicle that will provide an entirely new national capability for human exploration beyond Earth's orbit. The Space Launch System will give the nation a safe, affordable and sustainable means of reaching beyond our current limits and opening up new discoveries from the unique vantage point of space.
The Space Launch System, or SLS, will be designed to carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, as well as important cargo, equipment and science experiments to Earth's orbit and destinations beyond. Additionally, the SLS will serve as a back up for commercial and international partner transportation services to the International Space Station.
Link to story and video of SLS.
The SLS will be the new delivery system of NASA's new capsule system for ORION to be used instead of the costly and problematic space shuttle.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:44 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Atheists and Sex Offenders (video)
14.9.2011 | 12:43
Meanwhile in the USA Atheists continue to be the most distrusted segment of the population, even below gay people. Here's a great video reminding people just who we are and why its ridiculous to be thought of so harshly.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:51 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
NASA’s Cassini orbiter snaps unbelievable picture of Saturn
9.9.2011 | 14:40
Science fiction movies have spoiled us on high definition views of our planetary neighbors, but real-life photographs with equal jaw-dropping potential are exceedingly rare. That's what makes NASA's awe-inspiring snapshot of Saturn (hi-res version here) such a stunning piece of eye candy.
Taken by NASA's Cassini robotic orbiter, the shot was captured from the dark side of Saturn as the Sun's bright rays illuminated every piece of dust and debris circling the planet. Cassini has offered astronomers a never-before-seen look at Saturn and revealed more information about the planet than any craft before it. The craft has taken so many pictures of the ringed wonder that they were recently made into a short flyby film that looks like it was created by George Lucas rather than a robotic space explorer.
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NASA reveals new images of the Apollo lunar landing sites (video)
6.9.2011 | 17:31
New LRO Images Offer Sharper Views of Apollo Sites
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has captured the sharpest images ever taken from space of the Apollo 12, 14 and 17 sites, revealing the twists and turns of the paths made when the astronauts explored these areas.
Here is some additional footage of the early images from the LRO satellite.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:33 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Closest Supernova in 25 Years Is a 'Cosmic Classic,' Astronomers Say
29.8.2011 | 13:20
The arrow marks PTF 11kly in images taken on the Palomar 48-inch telescope over the nights of, from left to right, Aug. 22, 23 and 24. The supernova wasn't there Aug. 22, was discovered Aug. 23, and brightened considerably by Aug. 24.
CREDIT: Peter Nugent and the Palomar Transient Factory
Astronomers have spotted the closest supernova in a generation and in a week or so, stargazers with a good pair of binoculars might be able to see it, too.
The supernova, or exploded star, flared up Tuesday night (Aug. 23) in the Pinwheel Galaxy, just 21 million light-years from Earth. It's the closest star explosion of its type observed since 1986, and astronomers around the world are already scrambling to train their instruments on it.
"The best time to see this exploding star will be just after evening twilight in the Northern Hemisphere in a week or so," Sullivan said. "Youll need dark skies and a good pair of binoculars, although a small telescope would be even better."
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A Dinasour Era Mammal, the Jurassic Mother of us All?
26.8.2011 | 11:11

A tiny, shrew-like creature of the dinosaur era might have been, in a sense, the mother of us all.
Named the "Jurassic mother from China" (Juramaia sinensis), the newfound fossil species is the earliest known ancestor of placental mammalsanimals, such as humans, that give birth to relatively mature, live youngaccording to a new study.
The 160-million-year-old specimen pushes back fossil evidence for the evolutionary split between the placental and marsupial lineages by 35 million years. Although it's unclear if the creature is a direct ancestor of modern placentals, it's "either a great grand-aunt or a great grandmother," the study authors say.
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A planet made of Diamond found
25.8.2011 | 19:57
This illustration shows the alien planet PSR J1719-1438, where ultra-high pressures caused carbon to crystallize in the remnant of a dead star, forming the extrasolar world. The resulting planet is made of diamond and orbits a dense pulsing star with a radius smaller than that of our sun.
CREDIT: Swinburne Astronomy Productions
A newly discovered alien planet that formed from a dead star is a real diamond in the rough.
The super-high pressure of the planet, which orbits a rapidly pulsing neutron star, has likely caused the carbon within it to crystallize into an actual diamond, a new study suggests.
The composition of the planet, which is about five times the size of Earth, is not its only outstanding feature.Link to story:
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:59 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)