Major breakthrough in Cancer research
11.8.2011 | 17:04

The last few days have been very exciting in the biomedical research world, Ill start by talking of the big one announced today which could have massive implications for cancer treatment and possibly finally a way to cure cancer.
The big benefit of this treatment if successful is that you will teach the body to defend itself from cancer, if the cancer would return the t-cells would simply do their thing again and aggressively wipe it out as has been seen in these very early 3 patient trials.
It's way too early to be too excited, but what great hope this methodology has for us in the future. We can use our own body's defenses with a little help from science too reprogram them to be even better at their jobs. With the story yesterday about a new drug that could potentially kill most viruses, including the common cold; we are truly looking at a very exciting era of medical breakthroughs up ahead, and maybe much sooner than we could have dreamt was possible.
Very exciting news!!
Christians will have to use the "Voice of Gawd™" as seen on Faux news :P
DoctorE (IP-tala skrįš) 11.8.2011 kl. 19:04
Žorsteinn Bragason (IP-tala skrįš) 11.8.2011 kl. 20:58
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