A Christian serial killer in heaven. Justice?
21.8.2011 | 04:24
A serial killer raped a Jewish girl, he killed her and later was caught for his horrific crime.
A jury condemned the horrible man for his crimes to death, 10 years later after all his appeals were exhausted he was put to death by lethal injection. In those 10 years, he found god, he spent those remaining years as a born again Christian who repented all of his sins and promised his love to Jesus his savior.
When he was finally put to death, he appeared at the gates to heaven, after entering he asked Jesus "I would like to speak to the girl who'm I murdered, I need to tell her just how sorry I am for my evil deed." Jesus replied, sorry but she's in hell, you cannot speak to her.

Hell is the place to be, as all the LAMERS are in hevn.
There is no hell/heaven
DoctorE (IP-tala skrįš) 21.8.2011 kl. 08:50
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