America's intolerence towards gays.

gay+americaI tend to follow American politics closely, its a nation which affects us all because of the policies they make, especially when it comes to its powerful financial system.

What has worried me and most of the rest of the 1st world is America's religiosity gaining in power in the American political world. The republican party has been taken over by the right wing evangelical Christian movement and the repurcussions are vast considering for example the vast majority of Republicans deny global warming which will have great consequences for the US cleaning up its act; considering the amount of polution coming from our friends in America.

Today I'd like to point you to a recent article on CNN regarding advice on how to anwer your children when they ask about same sex couples. Its a thoughtful and insightful article that is attempting to help parents deal with something many Americans are uncomfortable dealing with.

What is always so fascinating to me is not the articles themselves, but the comments below; considering CNN is well known to be a liberal leaning website, it attracts a large number of conservatives who love to make their voices heard on social issues like gay marriage, abortion, welfare for the poor, global warming, etc..

Here's a sample of the comments on this article:

"Amistavia, I believe they have proven scientifically that fecal matter in a man's urethra is very unhealthy to say the least. In addition science has proven that a placenta cannot reside in a rectum. GOD's design and plan works best! Stick with it! Teach your kids the truth! GOD BLESS AMERICA - from an African American man who loves the LORD! HE has done so much for me. Love, grace and mercy are mine everyday. Thank you LORD Jesus!"

"Homophobes are disgusting and revolting. Just the mere thought of them carrying that much bigotry makes me wanna puke. It's completely unnatural and perverted for them to obsess on sexual acts all the time. I will teach my kids to scorn them for their mental illness and I will never accept them as normal. And they will burn in hell forever too."

"Teabagger? That's funny that you talk for gays while you use that term. Typical ignorant liberal! Of course it's ok for 2 men or 2 women, or a man and a dog, a woman and a horse, 2 horses, 2 women 2 sheep and an ox, 2 men and 2 goats......... "

"What has always been known as a sin and a psychological disorder is now being portrayed as normal. If it were so normal this amount of confusion would not exist from the media to the government to the Church. We were all born with a sinful nature. We have a choice whether we will live in sin or repent and turn from it. Those who promote sin as normal will be held accountable because it causes others to stumble. As a nation we continue to ignore and disobey GOD as if there are no consequences. Remember you always have a choice to do what is right and what is wrong. YOU HAVE A CHOICE!
Father forgive us as a nation in the name of Jesus, LORD, King and Savior. Amen"

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