Spanish HIV vaccine shows 90 percent immune response in humans
28.9.2011 | 14:10
Phase I clinical trials developed by Spanish Superior Scientific Research Council (CSIC) together with Gregorio Maranon Hospital in Madrid and Clķnic Hospital in Barcelona, reveals MVA-B preventive vaccine's immune efficiency against Human's immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 90% of the volunteers who went through the tests developed an immunological response against the virus and 85% has kept this response for at least one year. Safety and efficiency of this treatment have been described in articles for Vaccine and Journal of Virology science magazines.
According to CSIC's researcher: "If this genetic cocktail passes Phase II and Phase III future clinic trials, and makes it into production, in the future HIV could be compared to herpes virus nowadays". Virus would not cause a disease anymore and would become a minor chronic infection, which would only show its effects in a low defence scenario, with a much lower contagious profile.
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